Benefits of a Family “for life” Photographer


When you have one family photographer for all of your moments you get to build a relationship with that person… ie. me! I get to know your family and all of the fun quirks and characteristics to highlight. This also means that photoshoots can be done quicker -less introduction and awkward time- and can be clumped together to get the most sessions for the best price! I win for having a consistent client base and you win by maximizing your dollar spend for getting professional photos.


Highlight More Moments

When you have a close relationship with your photographer it becomes easier to do shorter and more efficient sessions allowing you to capture even more important moments! Having a birthday party that you’d love to get cake photos for? Save me a slice and I’ll be there!

Family Bonding Time

When your family knows the person taking your photos you get to spend less time on awkward introductions and more time just living in the moment. Your “for-life” photographer starts to fade into the background the more they’re around, bonus if you have littles they’re much more likely to give those silly smiles that you love if they feel comfortable! One of the personal benefits I get is capturing some really beautiful and candid feeling photographs when my families are at ease and can just be in the moment.

Improve Self-Esteem

Did you know that your kids start building their self esteem by age 5! People with higher self-esteem become more resilient and less likely to get bogged down by failures later on in life. It might sound like a stretch but think about how getting your photograph taken makes you feel? Is it a positive experience or does it make you conscious of your body and your flaws? Help build a solid foundation for self love and expression by photographing and celebrating each other and your unit as a whole! You’d be surprised how often I hear “I didn’t know I looked that good!” after I send a completed session out. Sometimes sessions are the best type of ego boost.

Consistent Aesthetic

If aesthetics are something important to you than this is such a cool benefit of having the same person photograph and edit all of your pictures. They’ll have the same look and feel making your family photo collage wall look like it’s been professionally curated.


If you want to see an example, one of my awesome “for-life” families has agreed to let me share their story! You can check it out here.

Brianna Greve

A Digital Content Creator and all around life enthusiast

Meet one of my Family “for life” Clients


Invoke Real Emotions During Romantic Photo Sessions with this Posing Guide