Meet one of my Family “for life” Clients

Meet Josh and Taylor Chromek. They are one of my “for-life” clients. I’ve gotten the pleasure of documenting the last few busy years of their life from maternity to birth and beyond. They have been kind enough to let me showcase them for this article to show just how fun it is to have a family “for-life” photographer relationship.

Celebrating the Start of Your Family - Maternity

Maternity is different for everyone but that’s what I find so beautiful about it. If it’s the first or even your last it’s always a special moment when you can connect with your self and your body that is given you the gift of your own life, and is now blessing you with another. Aren’t women simply amazing. I met up with Josh and Taylor on the beach in South Haven, MI in February! It was super cold and the lake was still frozen over but it was so fun getting them to snuggle up for warmth and capture the start of their new life as parents.

Capturing the Story of Birth

There are few experiences in life (other than my wedding day maybe) that have given me such a vulnerable look at life and love than that of watching someone become a mother. The anticipation and anxiety of the unknown and the emotional rollercoaster of navigating how your body will handle delivery. It’s a lot to process but it’s one of my favorite things to capture. Below is a snippet of the birth of the first Chromek baby. Josh and Taylor were deciding on what outfit they wanted to bring home their daughter in!

I Now Pronounce You Mom and Dad - Fresh 48

The pure joy and raw emotion that comes from these vulnerable times has created some of my favorite photographs to date. The soft quiet tip-toeing around a new baby, the not quite sure how to hold them yet posing. It’s all so fragile and filled with love. After a full 48 hours of being back and forth from my job to the hospital to check on Taylor, their daughter “Izzy” was born at 11:53 PM on a Tuesday. I left the hospital after saying goodbye to the new parents getting to know their new family member, got a good nights sleep, and headed back in the morning with coffee in hand for more!

We’ve Got This - 1 Month Update

The Chromek family was now officially established and it was finally nice enough out to go for a hike and find some good views! It’s crazy to see the changes not just in Izzy but in Taylor and Josh as a couple and as individuals. The confidence they both held now was palatable as if they had been hired as this new babies bodyguards… which I guess they technically had.

Surprise! - 6 Month Update

This right here may be one of the top 5 reasons having a life-long family photographer is so beneficial. We hadn’t taken any update photos and really hadn’t planned on any until Izzy turned one but when Taylor texted me asking if I had any weekend plans and wanted to meet up at the local apple orchard for a session I was ready! Little did I know that the photo session she had actually planned was to celebrate Izzy becoming a big sister!

Life is crazy and sometimes your plans change so having a photographer on call for those random impromptu memories can be so valuable.

And Beyond…

I won’t make you go through every single photoshoot I’ve done with the Chromek Family up to this point… I think you get the point by now. Being able to have someone to call when you want a memory or a moment captured and celebrated can make getting family photos so easy! If you’d like to be a part of my “lifer” families send me a message! I’d love to chat.

A BIG thank you to the best family and the coolest little chick Izzy. Thank you for being the greatest clients and for letting me share your story.

Brianna Greve

A Digital Content Creator and all around life enthusiast

Benefits of a Family “for life” Photographer